Russia-Africa Summit; Pfizer Biotech Lab Dangers; Kaiser Workers Outraged; Biden’s Legal Woes

The liberation of Africa from the oppression of Western colonizers in the 1960s became one of the main themes of Soviet posters.


The second Russia-Africa Economic and Humanitarian summit took place in St. Petersburg on July 27 and 28.  Forty-nine African delegations, including 17 heads of state, attended. We hear from Zambian Socialist Party president Fred M’membe, Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki, Nelson Mandela’s granddaughter Ndileka Mandela, Brazilian geopolitical analysts Pepe Escobar, and Alexander Mercouris of the Duran.


Biotech laboratory leaks are a danger throughout the world yet even in the US there is no real oversight and protection of biotech workers and the public. Becky McClain is a molecular biologist who worked at a Pfizer lab in Groton Connecticut with 6,000 other scientists. She found a biotech leak and tried to protect workers and the broader public by reporting it to OSHA. Pfizer harassed, bullied and fired her, but she sued Pfizer and won. She spoke with Pacifica’s Steve Zeltzer.


More than 80,000 workers at Kaiser in California are fighting for a contract that will not only raise their wages but also increase staffing. Pacifica’s Steve Zeltzer spoke to workers at a rally outside San Francisco’s Kaiser Hospital.


Hunter Biden’s legal woes keep worsening. Last week a judge concluded that his plea deal was overly broad, wrongly protecting him from further prosecution, and he then proceeded to plead not guilty. Meanwhile Glenn Greenwald, on his System Update webcast, said that corruption has never been an issue in Hunter Biden’s case because he’s not an elected official. The corruption issue, he said, is Joe Biden’s.