Black Lives Matter Grassroots Co-Founder Denounces Police Terror Against Her; Israeli Histadrut Exposed; WHO Fails to Approve a Global Pandemic Treaty; Dr Peter McCullough on COVID, Avian Flu, and Corruption



JR Valrey of Block Report Radio spoke to Cal State University-Los Angeles Pan African Studies Professor and Black Lives Matter Grassroots co-founder and organizer Dr. Melina Abdullah. Her household was “swatted” by the Los Angeles Police Department’s SWAT Team division on 3 different occasions within a one year period. However Abdullah’s recent civil lawsuit was unsuccessful. She describes the terror of those encounters and their impact on her family, neighbors, and social justice movements. Melina Abdullah is currently the vice presidential running mate of presidential candidate Cornel West. 

You can follow JR Valrey’s work at 


The Labor Education Project On AFL-CIO International Operations held an online forum on May 4, 2024, where City University of New York professor Carol Lang gave a presentation on the Israeli Histadrut. Although Histadrut calls itself a union and is supported by the AFL-CIO leadership, Lang says it is really not a union. She highlights the Histadrut’s work to stop Jewish and Arab unity and its role in supporting the South African apartheid regime and US military interventions around the world.


In a recent victory for the medical freedom movement, the World Health Organization failed to adopt a global Pandemic Treaty.  The proposed treaty, according to its detractors, would centralize control over state agencies, pandemic responses, and other health matters. Mitchel Cohen of WBAI/Pacifica Radio spoke to Dr. Meryl Nass at the Medical Freedom Rally at the United Nations in New York City on Saturday, May 25, 2024.

Listen to Mitchel Cohen’s full report:



Dr. Peter McCullough spoke to rapid fire interviewer Joe Pags about the history of COVID 19, the potential threat of Avian Bird Flu, and the corruption and conflicts of interest at the heart of the COVID pandemic that resulted in quote unquote “Vaccine Ideology.” 

CRD Producer, Thomas O’Rourke transcribed and edited the interview from Dr. McCullough’s Substack.  Read the transcript here.

And that concludes today’s edition of Capitalism, Race & Democracy. We thank all of Pacifica’s sister stations and affiliates who contribute to the production of this show. Today’s program was produced by the Capitalism, Race & Democracy collective, with contributions from Akua Holt, JR Valrey, Thomas O’Rourke, Mitchel Cohen, Steve Zeltzer, Ann Garrison, and Polina Vasiliev.

Make sure you click the subscribe button here, and follow us on X, formerly Twitter, @PacificaCRD.

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Jill Scott, “Watching Me”

1-800-GENOCIDE (Peoples Remix) – Rebel Diaz

The Who, “Who Are You”