ILWU Votes Down Labor Boycott of Military Cargo to Israel; Obi Egbuna Jr. on Cuba; Garland Nixon on Lawfare; 90th Anniversary of Minneapolis Teamster Strike



The ILWU longshore workers on the West Coast have a long tradition of international solidarity from boycotting military cargo to Chile’s Pinochet dictatorship to boycotting cargo from South Africa during its apartheid regime. However, at last week’s ILWU West Coast Convention in Vancouver, British Columbia, members voted down a resolution from ILWU Local 10 calling for a boycott of military cargo to Israel. ILWU Local 10 retired secretary treasurer Clarence Thomas spoke to Pacifica’s Steve Zeltzer.


JR Valrey of Block Report Radio spoke to Obi Egbuna Jr. of the Zimbabwe Cuba Friendship Association about what the corporate media is calling “The Cuban Missile Crisis 2”, the decades-long US embargo on Cuba, and the plight and status of Black Panther and Black Liberation Army exile Assata Shakur, who resides in Cuba.


Next is part two of Thomas O’Rourke’s interview with Garland Nixon, veteran broadcaster and current host on both Pacifica and Sputnik Radio. Part One of this interview first aired on our May 21 show.


This year is the 90th anniversary of the Minneapolis Teamsters general strike in 1934. Artist and retired St. Cloud State University professor Keith Christensen talked with Pacifica’s Steve Zeltzer about the strike and the commemorations in Minneapolis.

And that concludes today’s edition of Capitalism, Race & Democracy. We thank all of Pacifica’s sister stations and affiliates who contribute to the production of this show. Today’s program was produced by the Capitalism, Race & Democracy collective, with contributions from Steve Zeltzer, Akua Holt, Jr Valrey, Thomas O’Rourke, Ann Garrison, and Polina Vasiliev.

Thanks for listening!


Zeenab Shaath, “The Urgent Call of Palestine” 

Carlos Puebla, “Y en eso llegó Fidel/And then Fidel Came” 

Prince, “Colonized Mind”