Supreme Court Attacks the Working Class; Workers Mark Bloody Thursday Anniversary; Poor People’s Campaign Calls for Moral Revival; Julian Assange Pleads Guilty to Journalism; Argentinian Piqueteros Demand Freedom for Jailed Leaders



In the last few weeks, the US Supreme Court has made several rulings that, according to some, favor owners of property and represent a real threat to the constitutional rights of the working class.

Pacifica’s Steve Zeltzer interviewed Professor Robert Ovetz, author of We The Elites, Why the US Constitution Serves the Few, Workers Inquiry and Global Class Struggle, and When Workers Shot Back, Class Conflict from 1877 to 1921.


Thursday, July 5 was the 90th anniversary of Bloody Thursday. On this date in 1934,  police killed two longshoremen, Nicholas Bordoise and Howard Sperry, at a massive dockworker strike in San Francisco. The tragic events of Bloody Thursday turned public opinion against the shipping companies and led the citizens of the San Francisco Bay Area to go on a general strike in support of the dockworkers.

On the anniversary, New Yorker Chris Silvera, Secretary Treasurer of Teamsters Local 808, talked about the lessons and the fight that working people face today.


In 1968, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and many others called for a “revolution of values” in America. They sought to build a broad, fusion movement that could unite poor and impacted communities across the country. Their name was a direct cry from the underside of history: The Poor People’s Campaign. 

Today, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival has picked up their unfinished work.

We hear from Reverend Dr. William Barber, and others calling for support for the Poor People’s March on June 29, 2024 in Washington, D. C. 


The producers and reporters of Capitalism, Race, and Democracy from Pacifica Radio wish to extend our heart-felt thanks and relief at the news of the release of Wikileaks publisher and journalist Julian Assange after years of incarceration, lies, threats, and propaganda. We also thank the global campaign that remained dedicated to keeping his case visible, even when much of the media were ignoring it. Pacifica’s Thomas O’Rourke reports.


The mass movement for food and survival in Argentina has been led by organizations called the Piqueteros. They held a rally last week at the courthouse in Buenos Aires, where their leaders had been arrested by the Javier Milei government. Pacifica’s Steve Zeltzer has this report.

And that concludes today’s edition of Capitalism, Race & Democracy. We thank all of Pacifica’s sister stations and affiliates who contribute to the production of this show. Today’s program was produced by the Capitalism, Race & Democracy collective, with contributions from Steve Zeltzer, Akua Holt, Thomas O’Rourke, Ann Garrison, and Polina Vasiliev.

You can find this and all previous episodes at our website “capitalism race and democracy dot ORG”. Make sure you click the subscribe button. Follow us on X, formerly Twitter, @PacificaCRD.  Thanks for listening!


Atrapen a Assange – Daniel Devita | Video Oficial | @DevitaDobleD

The Ballad of Bloody Thursday