Anti-war Rallies in DC and SF; Immigrant Farmworkers Flooded in CA; UN War Crimes Investigation in Ethiopia; Elections in Turkey


This week on COVID, Race, & Democracy:


On March 18, ​​people from over 200 organizations rallied in Washington DC to protest the US proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, and to mark the 20th anniversary of the Iraq War.  We hear from activist Afini Evans.

Pacifica’s Thomas O’Rourke was also at the rally and filed this report:

“A liberal-radical rally and march of several thousand people endorsed by some 300 separate organizations took place at Lafayette Square across from the White House last Saturday March 18 demanding peace in Ukraine through negotiations, abolishment of NATO, and an end to US wars and sanctions.  The endorsing groups ranged  from Answer Coalition, Code Pink, and Veterans for Peace to the Democratic Socialists, Peace and Freedom Party, Black Alliance for Peace, and Workers World as well as Solidarity Committees for Eritrea, Palestine, Venezuela and numerous other oppressed  peoples across the planet, notably absent was any official trade union presence.  This reporter circulated through the crowd speaking to various attendees about the pressing political issues of today. What follows is some of my conversation with DC based, veteran Latino labor and community activist Arturo Griffiths and several of his compadres and comrades.”


Community activists and trade unionists in San Francisco also rallied against the US proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. The March 18 rally was part of a national day of action on the anniversary of the Iraq War.

SF Anti-War Protest: Stop The War In Ukraine & WinThe War At Home!


The massive flooding in California has particularly affected the immigrant farmworker community in Pajaro where a levee broke and flooded their town. Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers member Pamela Beth Sexton, who teaches adult education, talked about the plight of this community and systemic racism. 

The Pajaro Levee Break, Immigrants, Labor & Climate Crisis With PVFT1936 Delegate Pamela Beth Sexton


The US is trying to impose a UN war crimes investigation on Ethiopia. Pacifica’s Ann Garrison reports.


Turkey now faces national elections in the aftermath of a massive earthquake that has killed over 50,000 people and left over a million without housing. The autocratic Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his party, the AKP, have come under withering attack from political opposition because of the systemic corruption exposed by the government’s earthquake response. Pacifica correspondent Mehmet Bayram reports on the parties joining together to challenge Erdoğan.

And that concludes today’s edition of Covid, Race, & Democracy. We thank all of Pacifica’s sister stations and affiliates who contribute to the production of this show. Today’s program was produced by Ali Abdel-Qader, Mehmet Bayram, Ann Garrison, Akua Holt, Thomas O’Rourke, Polina Vasiliev, and Steve Zeltzer. Host: Akua Holt.

Thanks for listening! 



Edwin Starr, “War’

Sham Ghesu, “Baburaye”

Childish Gambino, “Feels Like Summer