Gaza Aid Trucks Line Up at Rafah Crossing; Students Protest Militarization of Asia; Mildred Aristide Speaks Out on Haiti

Trucks full of aid for Gaza wait at the Rafah border crossing in Egypt.

Listen to this week’s episode of Capitalism, Race, & Democracy from Pacifica Radio:


Longtime peace and justice activist Sara Flounders speaks to Pacifica’s Ann Garrison about her trip to Egypt to push for opening the Rafah Crossing into Gaza.


The US effort to escalate the militarization of Asia loomed behind last week’s Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in San Francisco. During the summit, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol traveled south to Palo Alto to meet with former Secretary of State Condolezza Rice of the Hoover Institution on the Stanford University campus, and students protested.

Pacifica’s Steve Zeltzer spoke with Stanford student YungSu, Comfort Women Justice Coalition Co-founder Julie Tang, Japanese Peruvian American Activist Grace Shimizu and Veterans For Peace Vice President Michael Wong. 


Today, the situation in Haiti could not be more dire. Paramilitaries continue to terrorize the population. Over 5 million Haitians, including 2.5 million children, are experiencing food insecurity in a country of 12 million. And now, the UN has authorized an invasion force to prop up the unelected, repressive government.

As always, Haitians continue to persevere in the face of these daunting challenges. One shining example is the University of the Aristide Foundation which now has over 5000 students and has recently opened a new teaching hospital, which is desperately needed in Haiti. 

Mrs. Mildred Aristide is the former first lady of Haiti.  She was born and raised in the Bronx. Her parents, fierce opponents of the Duvalier regime, immigrated from Haiti to the United States in the late 1950s. Mrs. Aristide is the mother of two beautiful daughters, a lawyer and organizer, an author, and the wife of President Jean Bertrand Aristide, the first democratically elected president of Haiti and leader of the Lavalas movement.

JR Valrey, Minister of Information of Black New World Media interviewed Mrs. Aristide in Oakland, California on October 21, 2023.


Grayzone journalist Aaron Maté confronted Delaware Senator Chris Coons about US support for Israel’s War on Gaza last week. 

And that concludes today’s edition of Capitalism, Race & Democracy. We thank all of Pacifica’s sister stations and affiliates who contribute to the production of this show. Today’s program was produced by the Capitalism, Race, & Democracy collective with contributions from Steve Zeltzer, Ann Garrison, Polina Vasiliev, and Akua Holt.

Thanks for listening!


Roger Waters – We Shall Overcome

Eddy Mack  featuring Batata,   “THE SOUND OF WAR”⁣

Boukman Eksperyans – Jou Nou Revolte